Deployment Team
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Please submit donations to:
CB Matrix
P.O. Box 84
Selma, OR 97538
Please include your name, phone number and email address with your donation.
The Term “Deployment Team”
Multiple places in the Scripture indicate to those of us who are in Christ that we are in a Spiritual war with many battles that we are called upon to fight. The men and women who choose to engage in ministry, both lay and vocational, often find themselves targeted by evil, and in intense additional battles. Those who dare to engage in church planting have been referred to by some as paratroopers who are dropped behind enemy lines to engage the enemy. In general, if we are faithful Christ serving believers, we WILL suffer persecution/Spiritual warfare.
Every army in history has deployed frontline warriors who have been kept on the field of battle by a large number of support personnel. Even though the support personnel of the spiritual war have their own personal battles, within the greater context of the Spiritual warfare, we call the support personnel for the war the Deployment Team. In the Spiritual war, there must be deployment teams for the warriors on the frontlines. We at CB Matrix refer to those who contribute funding and prayer as our deployment team.
The Specific Needs Addressed By the Deployment Team
At this point the annual operational cost of the CB Matrix training program known as “MinistryEquipNet”, is about $100,000.00 (one hundred thousand dollars). Supplementing the church planters themselves for the start of a grassroots church plant costs us between $50,000.00 and $100,000.00. For this reason we will ask one thousand individuals or groups to take on a deployment team commitment of $123 dollars twice a year which allows us to fully train men and women to be deployed into their own churches as church workers and/or church leaders, while others will be deployed to start new grassroots churches.
The remaining $23 dollars of the deployment team's funding will be used for a church planter emergency fund, for church planter boot camp, as well as a small amount for deployment team administrative help.
It is our determination that if a person funds both church plants as well as men and women being trained for direct grassroots church ministries, if we keep them informed, they will enter the battle in prayer. By doing so, they will be fulfilling the double role of the deployment team
The Commitment of the Deployment Team Member As Easy As 1-2-3!
Each team member, whether an individual or group, will be asked to give $123 dollars no more than twice a year when called for. You will be asked to send your financial contribution of $123 dollars to our contribution center within 30 days of receiving the request for funds.
We are asking you to commit that you will NOT take your contribution out of your regular giving to your local church. God will not bless us if we are taking funding away from His grassroots local Church… which is the very thing we have been called on to build up through our MinistryEquipNet.
We ask you to fund this contribution to the deployment team by what is called a” faith promise”. This means that you commit to God that you will give your disbursement ONLY if God gives it to you over and above your regular giving to your local grassroots church. And, if God does not give it to you, then we ask you to NOT rob another commitment to pay this one.
You will be asked to pray for the men and women being trained, for the workers being deployed back into their own grassroots local churches, as well as for churches being birthed or planted because of your contributions.
The Commitment of CB Matrix to the Deployment Team Member
Our contribution center commits to receipting you promptly through our nonprofit corporation.
We commit to keeping you informed about the use of your funding contribution. Because of individual ministry circumstances, we may not be able to give you detailed information about students and some church planting contexts. We will however do our best to give you current general information that will not compromise ministry in any way.
We will not request funds from you more than twice in a year.
Your funding contribution will not be used for CB Matrix team members’ salaries. It will be used only for what is stated here and for no other organizations or programs. Our team members of CB Matrix are all individually funded as missionaries or pastors.
We will continue to make our training free for the students.
We will not send you any other printed material or e-mail information regarding other programs, unless requested
The Christian world is mostly funded by monthly giving, by large foundations, or by fundraising events. The Deployment Team is a different way that seems pure to us for these two reasons. Firstly… it allows the individual believer to be a foundation of sorts. Placing smaller contributions side by side makes for a larger grant for ministry. Secondly…as stated above…we insist that the Deployment Team funders give as a faith promise over and above their regular giving to their own grassroots local churches. We refuse to deplete local ministries to help ourselves. By doing this, we feel that we are making the funding of our ministry God's problem, not ours or yours.
CB Matrix operates in a very lean manner, and efficiently. It brings its training to the grassroots church in North America without charge to the church or the students. A small number of individuals are paid a small stipend for specific services, and our presenting professors are paid a modest honorarium. We know that as we continue to grow we will, of necessity, have to expand our budget… but this will not change the Deployment Team, or the way we endeavor to serve the Lord.